Security Consulting
We specialize in application security, from penetration testing to training developers in secure coding. Contact us to learn how we can help with your most challenging projects.

We were looking for secure coding training for our Elixir developers, to build high quality and secure software, and to be PCI compliant. Our employees were completely satisfied. The team had the opportunity to contribute specific questions and topics, which is so much more valuable than a standard training.

Judith Kuhnt - CEO,

I never thought a pentest would be a pleasant experience, but Michael did it! Not only did he find what he needed to find, he was able to provide advice on remediation and prevention for the future, and he's a great guy to work with.

Jaap Haagmans - CTO, Equalture

Michael gave us deeper insights and found issues previous pen tests had not, which gave us much greater confidence about the security of our platform.

Josh Price - CTO, Class Solver

Elixir Developer Security Training

Application security starts with us, developers, and this course has given me the practical base knowledge for developing more robust secure applications.

Joaquin Alcerro - Training Participant

Elixir Developer Security Training

Expressive, well though out and to the point, just like Elixir.

Vanja Radovanović -

Elixir Developer Security Training

Great teacher with a lot of passion for the topic.

Diede Claessens -

Professional Services

Security Training

Get compliant and truly secure with secure code training for Ruby or Elixir.

Penetration Testing offers black box and true white box assessments of Elixir and Ruby applications, by an expert who understands these languages.

Secure Code Review

Have a security expert read and understand your source code, to find issues before attackers do.

Ready to get started?

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